Friday, August 5, 2011

又是 Practical

这个星期 sem 1的学生上practical ,看 onion root tip 的slide, 画mitosis 的cell。 学生边看边画边讲话谈天,大家都很高兴。我就巡视,帮忙看看slide 和看看drawing, 时间到就催一催他们。


有一组学生画好drawing后在做labeling,一面窃窃私语,一面笑。 我就走去查看他们的drawing。

结果看见左下角有个脸,就指着它问学生:" What 'phase' is this?!?!"

学生就说在microscope 真的看到那个'face' 还说那个cell 在跟他笑, 说完整个bench的学生捧腹大笑。真是又气又好笑!


2011年8月(week 10)


P Y1 S1 15 (zi yan & kean yong)) said...

yay... our group de drawing... by the way happy birthday teacher... we didn't know it at school so we didn't wish you but we gave you 2 things and you can consider it as our present for you... hope you liked it and HAPPY BIRTHDAY...

Ryan said...

P Y1 S1 15 (Kean Yong - class rep)
thankiu Miss Chan !!!B4 dat i hate biology, that's why i didnt take biology when F4 n F5 !!! but since u teach me biology , i start 2 love biology dy. Reli thankiu Miss Chan !!! n oso our group reli happy that v had this memorable semester time wif u !!! lecture class , tutorial class,n oso practical class!!! so Miss Chan , i promise you... i will try to score my biology !!! btw Miss Chan, HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! hope you will love d "present" that v gave you 2day... remember our group 4ever !!! Miss Chan gambateh !!! =)

Chan Jerjing said...

Zi Yan and Kean Yong, it was such a wonderful gift! This year's birthday has been a special one because of all the warm greetings from you people, it really touches my heart! I love it! Thank you so much!

As I blow candles on the cake, I wished all of you to perform very well in your exam, all the best!

Can you paste this on your FB wall to thank everyone?

Chan Jerjing said...

and Kean Yong, thanks for your support and complement, if you work hard, I am sure you will excel, not only bio, but all!

Ryan said...

yes Miss Chan !!! ^^ ♥

Anonymous said...
